Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Tips. Show all posts

Friday, 31 December 2021

Tips on Benefits of Cycling

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Lifestyle changes like traveling in cars, bikes with no time for regular exercises is taking its toll on human lives. In Berlin under the Smart City plan, the German Government has provided separate lanes for cyclists to go to the office on cycle. Cycling not only keeps the office goers fit but also reduces the pollution levels, overcrowding and traffic jams. 

Cycling and Swimming are two exercises in which all the party of the body takes part. Daily Cycling and Swimming can keep you fit, full of energy and in good shape and figure. Know the following tips on the benefits of cycling:
  1. It reduces stress during driving.
  2. Reduces the risk of Diabetes.
  3. Increases Muscle Tones.
  4. Strong Heart and Healthy Lungs.
  5. Stronger Bones.
  6. Chiseled and Beautiful Legs.
  7. Better than walking.
  8. See the world in slow motion.
  9. No noise and air pollution.
  10. Burns Fat and Saves on Fuel.
  11. Reduces road accidents.
  12. No to spare tires and stepenies.
Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion. 

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Tips on Benefits of Broccoli

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Have your doctor advised to use Broccoli as your food? Of course, yes. It has magic properties and helps our immune system to fight many diseases. Regular use of Broccoli can be helpful in:
  • Preventing of Cancer.
  • Boosting Immunity - the defense system of the body to fight diseases.
  • Fighting with Diabetes.
  • Promoting Health Bones.
  • Preventing Colds and Flu.
  • Fighting Birth Defects.
  • Fighting Heart Problems.
  • Regulating Blood Pressure.
Check right now if Broccoli is an integral part of your regular diet or consult your dietician to start using Broccoli as your defense against diseases as prevention is always better than cure.

Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Monday, 27 December 2021

Tips on Food for Stronger Bones

Due to change in Lifestyles, most of the public is deficient in Calcium which helps to build stronger bones. Moreover, the calcium is not distributed properly due to Vitamin D3, also known as Sunshine Vitamin, deficiency in India. According to one study published in The Tribune, Chandigarh - about 85% of Indians are deficient in Vitamin D3 due to which the humans have brittle bones. Following foods are rich sources of Calcium and make these foods an integral part of your daily diet.
  1. Broccoli is one of the best sources of Calcium.
  2. Almonds are not only rich in Calcium but also a source of Good Cholesterol that is (HDL) vis a vis Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
  3. Bok Choy or Chinese Gobi is another calcium-rich food.
  4. Flax Seeds (Alsi in Hindi), which are known for their medicinal value provide sufficient Calcium.
  5. Kale (The Gobi in Hindi) is also a known source of Calcium
  6. Sesame Seeds also provide a good quantity of Calcium.
  7. Mustard Green and Spinach have commonly used foods in Indian Homes due to their multipurpose gains including Calcium.

Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Tips to Check Freshness of Eggs

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Can you judge if the eggs being purchased by you are fresh or not. Wait, here are tips to know the freshness of eggs without breaking them:
  • A VERY FRESH egg will sink to the bottom and lay on its side as visible in the image at Number 1.
  • WEEK OLD egg will rest on the bottom but the fat end of the egg will rise up slightly as shown at No.2.
  • More than Week Old egg will get balanced on the pointy end sticking up as marked No. 3.
  • BAD EGGS and old eggs will be floating along the surface of the water. These floaters should be tossed as they are not good to be eaten or consumed.

Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without prescription and expert medical opinion.

Friday, 24 December 2021

Tips on benefit of Green Vegetables

Do you know your vegetables especially the Green Vegetables. Green vegetables are very good for health and one must make green vegetables as regular diet so as to have balanced and nutritious diet. Here are tips on benefits of some of Green Vegetables:
  1. Asparagus contains many anti inflammatory nutrients.
  2. Beets promote detoxification of the liver.
  3. Broccoli helps to strengthen the Immune System.
  4. Carrots can improve the appearance of Skin, Hair and Nails.
  5. Cucumbers are ultra-hydrating and more nutritious than even regular RO water.
  6. Kale contains more calcium than Milk.
  7. Lettuce is high in Fiber helping to clean the digestive track.
  8. Spinach improves mental function by helping to prevent oxidation of the Brain.
  9. Tomatoes contain Lycopene which helps clear damaging free radicals in the body that can harm the human cells. 
Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute an advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Tips on Benefits of Lemon

Lemon Juice, well known for its antioxidants and anti cancerous properties, has been used for centuries. Even an Aam Admi or a common man knows that Lemon Juice is rich source of Vitamin C and is good for health. Ayurveda Experts claim that milk less and sugarless black tea fortified with honey and lemon, if taken empty stomach in the morning, helps is losing weight. I myself practiced the tip and found that it really works in reducing or maintaining weight. But ensure that Honey should be Pure Honey. In addition to the above there are many benefits of using lemon for dressing salad on taking lemon juice as Shikanji (Indian Name). Know the following benefits of Lemon :
  1. Boosts immune system
  2. Aids in Digestion
  3. Increases Concentration
  4. Flushes Liver and Kidneys
  5. Suppresses Appetite
  6. Prevents Nausea, Vomiting and Travel Sickness
  7. Prevents Heart Failure
  8. Helps wounds to heal faster
  9. Fight infections, cough, cold and asthma
  10. Fights Bone related diseases
  11. Prevents Acne, spots and pimples
  12. Improves hair health.

Disclaimer:This is just educative and informative and does not substitute an advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Sunday, 19 December 2021

Tips on Health Benefits of Okra

Could you ever imagine that Okra or its juice could be beneficial for health. Actually I was also not aware of the amazing health benefits of Okra or its juice. Once one of my friends enlightened me on the subject and it created interest in me to know more about Okra. After a thorough search on the internet resources I could sum up the following amazing health benefits of Okra:
  1. It stabilizes blood sugar.
  2. Prevents and improves constipation, the root cause of all problems.
  3. It lubricates the large intestines due to its bulk laxative properties.
  4. It helps in healing ulcers.
  5. It is a natural antacid to neutralize acids.
  6. It helps in treating lungs inflammation.
  7. It is a known source of antioxidants and anti inflammatory substances.
  8. It protects you from pimples and maintains smooth and beautiful skin.
  9. Okra Juice is used to treat sore throat associated with cough.
  10. Decoction of Okra leaves and fruits are used to treat urinary infection by Ayurvedic doctors. 
  11. Okra juices helps in treating diarrhea with fever and related abdominal pains.
  12. Okra seeds are used to treat and prevent muscle spasms.
  13. Decoction of Okra is used to treat Fever, Headache and Arthritis.
Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute an advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Excellent Tips by Warren Buffet

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Welcome to our latest blog under the name and style "Weekly Tips for U". We will be creating a collection of picturesque view of excellent tips by us and well known personalities from the world. We will be posting only images of valuable and practical tips. Tips may include Health Tips, Financial Tips, Blogging Tips, AdSense Tips, Technical Tips and Tips on any subject of importance to a common man. We would like to have your comments, good or bad, so that we can concentrate only on tips of daily importance. Public posts such tips in facebook groups and all such tips get dumped in the archives section due to in numerous posts in facebook groups. We would make a collection of only such tips which receive comments and applauds from the viewers elsewhere on the web. 

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Friday, 17 December 2021

Tips on Benefits of Vajrasana

With the initiative of our beloved Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi, the United Nations declared the "The International Yoga Day" on 21st June every year and it was celebrated with fanfare across the globe irrespective of religion or region. During the International Yoga Day, I learned about Vajrasana and its beneficial tips which I want to share with you:
  1. It helps tone up the whole body.
  2. It has been found to be a stress reliever.
  3. Vajrasana helps in fighting and preventing arthritis.
  4. It makes the body flexible like rubber.
  5. It is a joint ache healer.
  6. It reduces constipation and tones up the stomach.
  7. Vajrasana reduces obesity and back pain.
  8. It strengthens sexual and reproductive organs.
Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Tips on Drinking Water

आयुर्वेद के हिसाब से आग जलेगी तो खाना पचेगा,खाना पचेगा तो उसका रस बनेगा|जो रस बनेगा तो उसी रस से मांस,मज्जा,रक्त,वीर्य,हड्डिया,मल,मूत्र और अस्थि बनेगा और सबसे अंत मे मेद बनेगा|ये तभी होगा जब खाना पचेगा|

अब ध्यान से पढ़े इन् शब्दों को मांस की हमें जरुरत है हम सबको,मज्जा की जरुरत है ,रक्त की भी जरुरत है ,वीर्य की भी जरुरत है ,अस्थि भी चाहिए,मेद भी चाहिए|यह सब हमें चाहिए|जो नहीं चाहिए वो मल नहीं चाहिए और मूत्र नहीं चाहिए|मल और मूत्र बनेगा जरुर ! लेकिन वो हमें चाहिए नहीं तो शरीर हर दिन उसको छोड़ देगा|मल को भी छोड़ देगा और मूत्र को भी छोड़ देगा बाकि जो चाहिए शरीर उसको धारण कर लेगा|

ये तो हुई खाना पचने की बात अब जब खाना सड़ेगा तब क्या होगा..? अगर आपने खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पी लिया तो जठराग्नि नहीं जलेगी,खाना नहीं पचेगा और वही खाना फिर सड़ेगा और सड़ने के बाद उसमे जहर बनेंगे|

खाने के सड़ने पर सबसे पहला जहर जो बनता है वो हे यूरिक एसिड (uric acid ) कई बार आप डॉक्टर के पास जाकर कहते है की मुझे घुटने मे दर्द हो रहा है ,मुझे कंधे-कमर मे दर्द हो रहा है तो डॉक्टर कहेगा आपका यूरिक एसिड बढ़ रहा है आप ये दवा खाओ,वो दवा खाओ यूरिक एसिड कम करो|यह यूरिक एसिड विष (जहर ) है और यह इतना खतरनाक विष है की अगर अपने इसको कन्ट्रोल नहीं किया तो ये आपके शरीर को उस स्थिति मे ले जा सकता है की आप एक कदम भी चल ना सके|आपको बिस्तर मे ही पड़े रहना पड़े पेशाब भी बिस्तर मे करनी पड़े और संडास भी बिस्तर मे ही करनी पड़े यूरिक एसिड इतना खतरनाक है |इस लिए यह इतना खराब विष हे नहीं बनना चाहिए |

और एक दूसरा उदाहरण खाना जब सड़ता है तो यूरिक एसिड जेसा ही एक दूसरा विष बनता है जिसको हम कहते हे LDL (Low Density lipoprotive) माने खराब कोलेस्ट्रोल (cholesterol )| जब आप ब्लड प्रेशर(BP) चेक कराने डॉक्टर के पास जाते हैं तो वो आपको कहता है (HIGH BP )हाय बीपी है आप पूछोगे कारण बताओ? तो वो कहेगा कोलेस्ट्रोल बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ा हुआ है |आप ज्यादा पूछोगे की कोलेस्ट्रोल कौनसा बहुत है ? तो वो आपको कहेगा LDL बहुत है |

इससे भी ज्यादा खतरनाक विष हे वो है VLDL(Very Low Density lipoprotive)|ये भी कोलेस्ट्रॉल जेसा ही विष है |अगर VLDL बहुत बढ़ गया तो आपको भगवान ही  बचा सकता है | खाना सड़ने पर और जो जहर बनते है उसमे एक ओर विष है जिसको अंग्रेजी मे हम कहते है  triglycerides. जब भी डॉक्टर आपको कहे की आपका triglycerides बढ़ा हुआ हे तो समज लीजिए की आपके शरीर मे विष निर्माण हो रहा है |

तो कोई यूरिक एसिड के नाम से कहे,कोई कोलेस्ट्रोल के नाम से कहे,कोई LDL - VLDL के नाम से कहे समझ लीजिए की ये विष हे और ऐसे विष 103 है |ये सभी विष तब बनते है जब खाना सड़ता है |

मतलब समझ लीजिए किसी का कोलेस्ट्रोल बढ़ा हुआ है तो एक ही मिनिट मे ध्यान आना चाहिए की खाना पच नहीं रहा है ,कोई कहता हे मेरा triglycerides बहुत बढ़ा हुआ है तो एक ही मिनिट मे डायग्नोसिस कर लीजिए आप ! की आपका खाना पच नहीं रहा है |कोई कहता है मेरा यूरिक एसिड बढ़ा हुआ है तो एक ही मिनिट लगना चाहिए समझने मे की खाना पच नहीं रहा है |

क्योंकि खाना पचने पर इनमे से कोई भी जहर नहीं बनता|खाना पचने पर जो बनता है वो है मांस,मज्जा,रक्त,वीर्य,हड्डिया,मल,मूत्र,अस्थि और खाना नहीं पचने पर बनता है यूरिक एसिड,कोलेस्ट्रोल,LDL-VLDL| और यही आपके शरीर को रोगों का घर बनाते है !

पेट मे बनने वाला यही जहर जब ज्यादा बढ़कर खून मे आते है ! तो खून दिल की नाड़ियो मे से निकल नहीं पाता और रोज थोड़ा थोड़ा कचरा जो खून मे आया है इकट्ठा होता रहता है और एक दिन नाड़ी को ब्लॉक कर देता है जिसे आप heart attack कहते हैं !

तो हमें जिंदगी मे ध्यान इस बात पर देना है की जो हम खा रहे हे वो शरीर मे ठीक से पचना चाहिए और खाना ठीक से पचना चाहिए इसके लिए पेट मे ठीक से आग(जठराग्नि) प्रदीप्त होनी ही चाहिए|क्योंकि बिना आग के खाना पचता नहीं हे और खाना पकता भी नहीं है |रसोई मे आग नहीं हे आप कुछ नहीं पका सकते और पेट मे आग नहीं हे आप कुछ नहीं पचा सकते|

महत्व की बात खाने को खाना नहीं खाने को पचाना है |आपने क्या खाया कितना खाया वो महत्व नहीं हे कोई कहता हे मैंने 100 ग्राम खाया,कोई कहता है मैंने 200 ग्राम खाया,कोई कहता है मैंने 300 ग्राम खाया वो कुछ
महत्व का नहीं है लेकिन आपने पचाया कितना वो महत्व है |आपने 100 ग्राम खाया और 100 ग्राम पचाया बहुत अच्छा है |और अगर आपने 200 ग्राम खाया और सिर्फ 100 ग्राम पचाया वो बहुत बेकार है |आपने 300 ग्राम खाया और उसमे से 100 ग्राम भी पचा नहीं सके वो बहुत खराब है !!

खाना पच नहीं रहा तो समझ लीजिये विष निर्माण हो रहा है शरीर में ! और यही सारी बीमारियो का कारण है ! तो खाना अच्छे से पचे इसके लिए वाग्भट्ट जी ने सूत्र दिया !!
भोजनान्ते विषं वारी (मतलब खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी पीना जहर पीने के बराबर है )

इसलिए खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी कभी मत पिये !

अब आपके मन मे सवाल आएगा कितनी देर तक नहीं पीना ???

तो 1 घंटे 48 मिनट तक नहीं पीना ! अब आप कहेंगे इसका क्या calculation हैं ??
बात ऐसी है ! जब हम खाना खाते हैं तो जठराग्नि द्वारा सब एक दूसरे मे मिक्स होता है और फिर खाना पेस्ट मे बदलता हैं है ! पेस्ट मे बदलने की क्रिया होने तक 1 घंटा 48 मिनट का समय लगता है ! उसके बाद जठराग्नि कम हो जाती है ! (बुझती तो नहीं लेकिन बहुत धीमी हो जाती है )

पेस्ट बनने के बाद शरीर मे रस बनने की परिक्रिया शुरू होती है ! तब हमारे शरीर को पानी की जरूरत होती हैं तब आप जितना इच्छा हो उतना पानी पिये !!

जो बहुत मेहनती लोग है (खेत मे हल चलाने वाले ,रिक्शा खीचने वाले पत्थर तोड़ने वाले !! उनको 1 घंटे के बाद ही रस बनने लगता है उनको एक घंटे बाद पानी पीना चाहिए !

अब आप कहेंगे खाना खाने के पहले कितने मिनट तक पानी पी सकते हैं ???

तो खाना खाने के 45 मिनट पहले तक आप पानी पी सकते हैं ! अब आप पूछेंगे ये 45 मिनट का calculation ????
बात ऐसी ही जब हम पानी पीते हैं तो वो शरीर के प्रत्येक अंग तक जाता है ! और अगर बच जाये तो 45 मिनट बाद मूत्र पिंड तक पहुंचता है ! तो पानी - पीने से मूत्र पिंड तक आने का समय 45 मिनट का है ! तो आप खाना खाने से 45 मिनट पहले ही पाने पिये !

तो यहाँ एक सूत्र समाप्त हुआ ! आपने पूरी post पढ़ी बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद !!
इसका जरूर पालण करे ! अधिक अधिक लोगो को बताएं post share करे !!

बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद !

सौजन्य  से : एक ईमेल जो तक़रीबन एक सौ गूगल मेलर द्वारा शेयर की गई जिस को आगे शेयर करने के लिये राजीव दीक्षित द्वारा निवेदन किया गया ऐवम यूटूब लिंक को भी शेयर करने को निवेदन किया गया ! यूटूब लिंक ठीक न काम करने की हालत में हम उसे शेयर करने में असमर्थ हैं !

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Healthy Tips for IT Engineers

Do you know that human body also depreciates or deteriorates due to overuse, misuse in a similar way as the machinery depreciate over a period of time? One must relax and take rest to recoup the body cells. IT engineers have to work for long hours on computers and they have no fixed timings due to nature of the job. The job of the IT engineer can be compared with that of gynecologist doctor who has to rush in the labor room at a call to ensure smooth delivery of the new baby. One of the very renowned gynecologists informed the author about her plight that sometimes she could not sleep during the whole night and had to rush for normal or cesarean delivery. Similarly, IT engineers work for multinational companies having clients throughout the world and they have to take the call according to the working hours across the globe ignoring their health and working without sleep, food to ensure delivery of the work assigned to them. IT engineers are prone to developing the following problems due to their long working hours and that too at odd hours against the natural sleeping and relaxing times:

  1. Head: Blood Clots that form after sitting too rigidly can travel to the brains causing strokes.
  2. Neck: Fluid retained in the legs during the day moves to the neck at night and contributes to obstructive sleep apnea.
  3. Lungs: Individuals who experience heart failure the fluid first backs up in the lungs.
  4. Heart: Sedentary Life Style contributes to cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Arms: Physical inactivity increases the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure.
  6. Stomach: Sitting too much contributes to obesity and colon cancer.
  7. Legs: Fluid collects in the legs during sitting. Physical exercise helps to pump it out before it can cause problems.
  8. Eyes: Eyes are the most stressed organs in IT Engineers Life Style and they need to use artificial tears like Tear Plus or lubricants like lubrex.
Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute an advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Saturday, 11 December 2021

Tips to check if you diabetes or not?

Diabetes in India is spreading like an epidemic and the public is caught unaware. Diabetes of excessive blood glucose levels affects every vital organ of the body. We are providing the early warning signals or symptoms of diabetes so that remedial steps are taken by the public well in time:
  • Frequent Urination
  • Excessive Thirst
  • Lack of Interest and concentration
  • Tingling sensation or numbness in hands and fingers.
  • Increase Hunger
  • Tiredness in Hands or Feet
  • Blurred Vision
  • Frequent Infections
  • Slow Healing of Wounds
  • Vomiting and Stomach Pains
Check for the above symptoms of diabetes and take immediate corrective steps which include regular exercise, brisk walking and reduce intake of refined sugars. Your doctor may order Hb1Ac Test to know the average glucose level but this test will not be reliable in case your Blood Hemoglobin Hb level is very low. Consult your doctor immediately in case you observe any one or more of above early warning signals.

Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute an advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Golden Rules for Aging Gracefully

Lead Comfortable Life Style after Retirement
Aging or retiring gracefully is a concern all over the world irrespective of caste, creed, gender, nationality or religion as everybody want to have comfortable and luxurious independent retired life when one crosses the superannuation age or becomes senior citizen. Super senior citizens above the age of 80 years need more resources to cope with their lesser mobility. Due to poor sight the senior or super senior citizens may not be able to read the fine print in the Golden Rules for Aging Gracefully. The Golden Rules are being reproduced below for better visibility and reading:
  1. Live in your own place to enjoy independence and privacy.
  2. Hold on to your bank deposits and assets with yourself or your spouse.
  3. Do not depend only on your children's promise to care for you when you grow old as their priorities change with time.
  4. Expand your circle of friends to include those who will outlive you.
  5. Do not compare, expect nothing from others.
  6. Do not muddle in the life of your children. Let them live THEIR life not yours.
  7. Do not use old age as your shield and justification to demand care, respect and attraction.
  8. Listen to what others say but think and act independently.
  9. Pray but do not beg even from GOD. Seek life Grace.
  10. And Finally, DO NOT RETIRE FROM LIFE.
For more information read our article in the Link below the Golden Rules and also follow some hobby as a blogger not only to be happy, pass time but to earn from your Hobby as this author is writing on his blog - My Every Minute Diary and write your life's experiences to share with future generations.

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Tips on Harmful effects of Smoking

Statutory Warning: Smoking is injurious to health. Quit Smoking as soon as Possible and send us a certificate from Chief Medical Officer of any Government Hospital to claim your surprise Gift from Web Question Answers.

The public is warned against the harmful effects of smoking as the Cigarette, you smoke, contains no food or nutrition value and is full of dangerous chemicals which can cause Cancer.  It is a matter of shame that the Government does not ban smoking and the sale of tobacco products to minors or majors. Smokers are a liability on the national resources as more than 35% of Cancer patients are from among those who smoke regularly. The government in a bid to earn revenue in the shape of excise duty and taxes is not doing anything to completely ban smoking in India. What to talk of a complete ban, Government is not even able to implement "No smoking in Public Places" as per the law of land as the smoke thrown out by the smokers endangers the other public with serious diseases.

Let us resolve that we will not allow any person to smoke in a public place. The government can impose heavy fines on lawbreakers. It is a tragedy that even the police personnel,  doctors on duty and teachers, who owe a moral responsibility to create awareness about "Quit Smoking" are also found smoking. You can just see the enlarged view of the image and check yourself to know about the 10 chemicals found in a cigarette which can trigger the onset of serious lungs and oral diseases.

Quit Smoking - It is injurious to health leading to a painful death.

Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute an advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

20 Tips on Benefits of Daily Exercise

"Early to Bed and Early to Rise, Makes a Man or Woman, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise" - is an old saying though it may not hold good in the modern world when the whole world has turned into a Global village where the individuals sitting in India might be working for their clients in Germany, Australia, Canada or United States where time lag is there due to different times of Sunset and Sunrise compelling the IT professionals to work at nights and change their sleeping styles. I have found IT professionals sleeping after midnight and waking up at about noon the next day.

Anyhow if your sleeping pattern is not yet disturbed  by changing scenario then I will suggest for exercising daily early in the morning to dawn the maximum benefits from daily exercise. Here are 20 Beneficial Tips of exercising daily early in the morning or in the evening:
  • It reduced body fat.
  • It increases lifespan
  • It helps in Oxygenating the body.
  • It strengthens the muscles.
  • Helps in managing chronic pains.
  • Helps in warding off viruses by tuning the Immune System.
  • It strengthens the heart and clears the arteries of blocks.
  • It boost mood and induces the feeling of wellbeing.
  • It helps in improving memory and maintaining mobility.
  • It strengthens bones.
  • It helps in improving complexion and detoxifying body by oxygenating the whole body organs. 
  • It helps in reducing Blood Pressure and fighting Cancer.
  • Above all it reduces stress, the cause of many diseases.
Disclaimer : This is just educative and informative and does not substitute an advice by medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without prescription and expert medical opinion.