With the initiative of our beloved Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi, the United Nations declared the "The International Yoga Day" on 21st June every year and it was celebrated with fanfare across the globe irrespective of religion or region. During the International Yoga Day, I learned about Vajrasana and its beneficial tips which I want to share with you:
- It helps tone up the whole body.
- It has been found to be a stress reliever.
- Vajrasana helps in fighting and preventing arthritis.
- It makes the body flexible like rubber.
- It is a joint ache healer.
- It reduces constipation and tones up the stomach.
- Vajrasana reduces obesity and back pain.
- It strengthens sexual and reproductive organs.
Disclaimer: This is just educative and informative and does not substitute advice by a medical expert. Check with your physician before taking any medicine as it can be fatal to take medicines without a prescription and expert medical opinion.